Meet the Girls Series | MARION

Introducing: MARION. We asked Marion to tell us a little about herself. This is what she wrote:


“My name is Marion, a resolute girl learning at the Kibera School for Girls. I am fourteen years old and recently joined 8th grade. I aspire to be a news anchor so as to inspire people through my stories. I am a passionate badminton player and through this I have found many people who are willing to listen to what I have to say about girls. After our talk in most cases we engage in fun activities and during my free time I prefer to sing to exercise my voice as this is a hobby too."

Do you know a woman in your life that has left you inspired and empowered? Do you have a project that you're working on related to female empowerment and overcoming challenges to live your best life? Do you have a story to tell? Let us know using the form below!