Welcome to The Villa—we’re glad you stopped by.

Our stories connect us. In time, they become the fabric of lives and relationships. In our years of working with women from all over the world, we’ve collected amazing stories. We’ve been privileged to hear women’s tales of strength and courage in the face of hardship, and been guided by their struggles with fear, self-doubt, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. We are all the same in many ways; we may take different paths, but we share common sentiments:

“I thought it was just me who lacked confidence.”
“It’s hard to find work and life balance.”
“I want to be myself at work.”
“If I can’t negotiate flexibility, the big job isn’t worth it.”
“I want my work to make a difference.”
“I don’t have time to network, and I can’t stand the thought of self-promotion.”

The Villa is our new blog, designed to bring you into our community to enrich our collective experience through shared stories.

In our monthly feature, Aluminaria, you’ll read about inspiring, real women who are authentic, who’ve taken risks, and experienced as many failures as successes. They also possess the courage to keep moving forward in spite of the fear. You may not find them on the covers of business magazines as the most powerful or the most celebrated, but you will find in their stories something that will help you see that you aren’t alone in your own big dreams and self-doubts.

You will also find story spotlights, photos, videos, and resources that will return you to The Villa every day for more of what you need to enrich your own story.

Join us. Bring your friends. Share your ideas and your experiences here at The Villa.  


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